Friday, 20 September 2013

Redundancy And Entropy

Redundancy is the extent to which something is predictable and/or conventional; if something is redundant, it has high predictability.
Entropy, on the other hand, is the extent to which something is unpredictable and unconventional.

For example, a typical Taylor Swift video will have far higher redundancy than entropy due to her genre, her target audience and the way in which she is sold to said audience.

A Yo La Tengo video, however, is far more likely to have higher entropy and lower redundancy. This may be due to either having a fairly less generic genre or being a far less publicised group than Taylor Swift is.

OK Go, on the other hand, are a group that have music videos consisting of fairly redundant images that are manipulated in quite an entropic way.

I personally think that my music video will be a mix between being both entropic and redundant; I would like it to seem very generic but with elements of unpredictability, too, in order to help it to stand out. I believe that it will be in the genre of either Pop or K-Pop.

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