My Facebook survey indicated that the music video was interesting and fun to watch, but did definitely have some down sides and had various aspects that needed more work. One common aspect that was mentioned a lot for needing more work was the backdrop and the background, or rather, the lack of. My original idea was to have a completely white or completely black backdrop created with the use of a large sheet. However, I found that this idea was not feasible, especially when trying to fit more than one of my actors in the shot at the same time. Despite this negative feedback, a lot of the other feedback that I gathered was quite positive and suggested that the video was enjoyable and was well edited.
Another main aspect of my video that was noticed for needing a bit of extra work was the lip-syncing and miming. The main issue that I found with the lip-syncing was that almost all of the lyrics in my chosen song are in Korean, therefore making the lyrics a lot harder to learn. I tried to overcome this issue by creating a script of the lyrics phonetically, which seemed to be successful on the most part. However, this did not work for the entire video, and therefore the lip-syncing was not as good as it could've been. If I were to try this again, perhaps more practice of the lyrics would help before hand.
I also decided to conduct an online interview via Skype in order to recreate the feeling of a face-to-face interview where one can gather much more in-depth information in regards to a topic. During said interview, I found the same common themes that I found through my Facebook feedback, but I managed to get more explanations as to the thoughts.
I also recorded someone reacting to my video and answering a few questions about it in order to gain further insight into the minds of my audiences and the viewers. Both of these can be found on a playlist below.
Katz and Blumler devised what is known as "The uses and gratifications model" which states that all audiences will use the media to fulfil various "needs", these needs being information, personal identity, social interaction and entertainment. My video aimed to give my audience role models to copy and be like, as is stereotypically done in the genre of K-Pop. I tried to also make sure that a lot of eye contact and direct in address was used in the final cut in order to help my audience construct a personal identity in relation to the role models in the video.
However, I also wanted to make sure that the entertainment needs of my audience was satisfied as I feel that it is a crucial part of a music video, particularly one aimed at such a large audience as K-Pop is. I tried to do this with bright colours, fast paced editing and a continuous reliance on the role models having fun and enjoying themselves.
However, I also wanted to make sure that the entertainment needs of my audience was satisfied as I feel that it is a crucial part of a music video, particularly one aimed at such a large audience as K-Pop is. I tried to do this with bright colours, fast paced editing and a continuous reliance on the role models having fun and enjoying themselves.
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